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How to Manage Anxiety in Teenagers

Jan 02, 2023
A teenaged girl struggling with anxiety

Anxiety is a common and normal emotion that everyone experiences from time to time. However, it becomes a problem when it interferes with daily life and activities. For teenagers, anxiety can be especially challenging as they are navigating the challenges of adolescence and trying to establish their independence.

It's important for parents and caregivers to be aware of the signs of anxiety in teenagers and to provide support and guidance in coping with and healing from anxiety.

Signs of anxiety in teenagers may include:

  • Persistent worrying or fear
  • Difficulty concentrating or completing tasks
  • Restlessness or feeling on edge
  • Difficulty sleeping or changes in appetite
  • Avoiding social situations or activities
  • Physical symptoms such as stomach aches, headaches, or fatigue

If your teenager is experiencing some of these symptoms, it's important to talk to them about how they are feeling and to provide a safe and supportive environment for them to express their emotions. Encourage them to talk about their worries and fears and to seek help if they are feeling overwhelmed.

There are several methods that can be helpful in coping with and healing anxiety in teenagers:

  1. Practice relaxation techniques: Deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and meditation are all techniques that can help to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. Encourage your teenager to try different techniques and find what works best for them.

  2. Get regular exercise: Physical activity has been shown to be effective in reducing anxiety and improving mood. Encourage your teenager to find a form of exercise they enjoy and make it a regular part of their routine.

  3. Seek professional help: If your teenager's anxiety is severe or persistent, it may be helpful to seek the help of a mental health professional. A therapist or counselor can provide support and guidance in managing anxiety and can help your teenager develop coping strategies.

  4. Make time for enjoyable activities: Encourage your teenager to engage in activities that they find enjoyable and relaxing. This can be a great way to take their mind off of their worries and to practice self-care.

  5. Practice healthy habits: Encourage your teenager to get plenty of sleep, eat a healthy diet, and limit their intake of caffeine and other stimulants, which can contribute to anxiety.

Anxiety is a common and treatable condition, and with the right support and strategies, teenagers can learn to cope with and heal from anxiety. It's important for parents and caregivers to be supportive and understanding and to encourage their teenager to seek help if they are struggling.

Contact Rae, the Anxiety Coach, for more information about anxiety tips, practices, and coaching sessions.

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